Day Treatment (PHP)
in St. George, Utah
Premier Counseling Services is now offering
day treatment at our facility in St. George, Utah!
We are excited to offer our Day Treatment program four days a week, from Monday to Thursday, with hours from 3:30 PM to 8:30 PM. Our program is tailored to provide you with comprehensive treatment and support while also allowing you to maintain your daily routine. We understand that most people need to work in the mornings and early afternoons, so our flexible schedule is designed to accommodate those who may have daytime obligations.
With our Day Treatment program, you can get the help you need without sacrificing your work commitments. Our program is designed to fit seamlessly into your schedule, so you can focus on your recovery while still meeting your work and other obligations. We believe that our program is an ideal choice for anyone looking for a convenient and effective way to manage their addiction while still living their life to the fullest.
Community Events
Equine Therapy
Meditation & Breathwork
Recreational Therapy:
Pickleball, volleyball, softball, slackline, hikes, nature walks
Process Groups
Mindfulness Groups
Relapse Prevention
Emotion Regulation/DBT Groups
Manifestation & Visualization
Dharma Recovery Groups
Individualized Case Management
Life skills
Day Treatment is an alternative to residential treatment. Day Treatment takes place four times a week during the day with clients going home at nights and on weekends
If you are interested in finding out more,
please contact our office at
(435) 610-1696.
You can spend an eternity looking elsewhere for truth and love, intelligence and goodwill, imploring God and man — all in vain. You must begin in yourself, with yourself -- this is the inexorable law. You cannot change the image without changing the face. First realize that your world is only a reflection of yourself and stop finding fault with the reflection. Attend to yourself, set yourself right -- mentally and emotionally. The physical will follow automatically. You talk so much of reforms: economic, social, political. Leave alone the reforms and mind the reformer. What kind of world can a man create who is stupid, greedy, heartless?
— Nisargadatta Maharaj