Our Mission
Every treatment center has their own unique approach to health and wellbeing. There are many paths to the top of the mountain, each one just as good as the other, Premier Counseling’s approach is also unique. At Premier, we believe that the substance use is just a symptom of something deeper. The drug/alcohol use is just an outward projection of an inward condition.
At Premier, it’s not so much about recovery (re-covering), it’s about uncovering or discovering your truth, shedding all of the layers of conditioning only to find that you are not broken, you could never be broken, you are Wholeness, when you remove all of the layers you start to remember who you really are. This is not a process of finding; this is a process of remembering. This is the path of remembering that you are love, underneath all of the illusion, you are pure love. At Premier, we invite you to take this journey, it is our job to walk beside you and support you as you walk this path.
The mission of Premier Counseling Services is to provide quality therapy and education to assist individuals in their recovery for all mind/mood altering chemicals, prevention of re-offfending, and future abuse individually in the family and community.
To provide "intervention and prevention" counseling and education of criminal activities to offenders arrested for DUI or possession/use of any illegal substances. Utilizing the Prime for Life, evidence based, curriculum.
Providing direction support and resources for ongoing recovery. To develop a professional relationship within the community, including service agencies, courts, legal advisors, religious advisors and community leaders and to be recognized as a provider of effective, ethical, quality treatment and education for substance abuse.